QRO From The Kitchen I truly thought I was alone in the somewhat bizarre hobby-within-a-hobby of repurposing E-waste until I tripped over AA1TJ’s (no relation) account of an 80 meter transmitter with the uber-clever moniker of “Das Derelicht”, made largely from the guts of a defunct fluorescent lamp. Dumpster diving for fun and profit requires a bit of a reversal in your way of thinking – first you acquire the rubbish, then you work out what you can build with it! With literally megatons of E-waste bound for the landfill every year, it is our right, nay, our responsibility to divert a little of it for our own amusement. I’m really a QRP’er. Honest! It’s a lonely life, here at the edge of the planet, made that much more lonely by the insidious proliferation of switch mode power supplies, which seriously impair most of my QSO partners ability to dig deep for the weak ones. I had a rant about this in a recent “K9YA Telegraph” article. ...
So cute. I guess I never thought about baby kangaroo's. unique. Thanks. WD4HHN