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Cheap Aliexpress Crystals

The things you do to amuse yourself during lockdown!  Crashing around on Aliexpress, I noted that the peddlers of inexpensive piezoelectric crystals clearly don't understand how we, as buyers, look for them. More often than not, one has to hover over the item to view the extended description to find that vital bit of of information - the frequency! In way too many cases, even that is insufficient, and it is necessary to drill down right into the item. No wonder their "numbers sold" stats are so dismal!  I took it upon myself to catalog all the unique frequencies available, below. Inside Aliexpress, enquire on ANYTHING. Click on the store info at the top, and it will become obvious how to hack the URL for a different store. Within that new store, enquire "In this store only" by frequency to see if they still have any. Most rocks have multiple vendors, so shop around to for the best deal "including postage".

32.0 CYLINDER 1920050
32.8 HC-49 2444008
36.9 HC-49 5744248
38.0 CYLINDER 1960419
38.4 CYLINDER 624531
40.0 CYLINDER 624531
51.2 CYLINDER 1280322
60.0 CYLINDER 624531
75.0 CYLINDER 624531
76.8 CYLINDER 1666382
100.0 CYLINDER 821060
153.6 CYLINDER 624531
1000.0 HC-49 316973
1600.0 SMD 1920050
1843.2 HC-49 624531
2000.0 HC-49 624531
2048.0 HC-49 624531
2457.6 HC-49 624531
2500.0 HC-49 624531
3000.0 HC-49 624531
3072.0 HC-49 624531
3137.5 SMD 3686032
3200.0 HC-49 624531
3276.8 HC-49 624531
3579.5 HC-49 624531
3600.0 HC-49 624531
3686.4 HC-49 3686032
3840.0 HC-49 1920050
4000.0 HC-49 2444008
4032.0 HC-49 1920050
4096.0 HC-49 624531
4194.0 HC-49 624531
4195.2 HC-49 624531
4322.0 HC-49 5744248
4332.0 SMD 437213?
4430.0 HC-49 624531
4433.6 SMD 624531
4500.0 HC-49 1089303
4800.0 HC-49 624531
4897.0 HC-49 5744248
4906.2 HC-49 1920050
4915.2 HC-49 1762106
5000.0 HC-49 624531
5120.0 HC-49 5744248
5500.0 HC-49 624531
5529.6 HC-49 4657016
6000.0 SMD 2444008
6063.0 SMD 5744248
6144.0 HC-49 624531
6400.0 HC-49 4657016
6553.6 HC-49 624531
6612.8 HC-49 624531
6745.8 HC-49 624531
6772.0 HC-49 624531
7000.0 HC-49 624531
7159.0 HC-49 1920050
7200.0 SMD 1920050
7200.0 HC-49 624531
7372.8 HC-49 4657016
7500.0 HC-49 624531
7600.0 HC-49 821060
7680.0 HC-49 624531
8000.0 HC-49 2444008
8042.0 SMD 624531
8192.0 HC-49 624531
8380.0 HC-49 1920050
8467.2 HC-49 624531
8643.6 HC-49 624531
8664.0 HC-49 1920050
8867.2 HC-49 1920050
9000.0 HC-49 624531
9216.0 HC-49 1920050
9509.0 HC-49 5744248
9600.0 HC-49 624531
9815.6 HC-49 5744248
9830.4 HC-49 4657016
9843.7 HC-49 624531
10000.0 SMD 1815642
10111.0 HC-49 5744248
10240.0 HC-49 5744248
10245.0 HC-49 1089303
10250.0 HC-49 4657016
10368.0 HC-49 5744248
10700.0 HC-49 624531
10738.6 HC-49 624531
11000.0 HC-49 624531
11059.2 SMD 1815642
11150.0 HC-49 624531
11160.0 HC-49 1920050
11250.0 HC-49 4657016
11289.6 HC-49 624531
11520.0 HC-49 5744248
12000.0 HC-49 1815642
12288.0 CYLINDER 624531
12500.0 SMD 1920050
12800.0 CYLINDER 624531
13000.0 HC-49 4657016
13081.0 SMD 1920050
13225.6 HC-49 5744248
13248.0 HC-49 1920050
13380.0 HC-49 1920050
13491.6 HC-49 3686032
13500.0 HC-49 5744248
13521.2 HC-49 4657016
13560.0 HC-49 624531
13568.7 CYLINDER 1920050
13570.0 SMD 3686032
13572.5 HC-49 1920050
13573.2 HC-49 5744248
13575.0 SMD 624531
13824.0 HC-49 5744248
14000.0 HC-49 1666382
14318.0 HC-49 624531
14576.0 SMD 1920050
14725.0 HC-49 5744248
14745.6 HC-49 5744248
14800.0 HC-49 1920050
15000.0 HC-49 511081
15360.0 HC-49 624531
16000.0 SMD 1815642
16384.0 HC-49 1920050
16920.0 SMD 624531
16934.4 HC-49 624531
17280.0 HC-49 624531
17664.0 HC-49 5744248
17734.0 HC-49 624531
18000.0 HC-49 4657016
18432.0 HC-49 1089303
18937.5 HC-49 1762106
19069.9 HC-49 624531
19200.0 HC-49 5744248
19440.0 HC-49 3686032
19500.0 SMD 624531
19660.8 HC-49 4657016
19891.2 HC-49 1920050
20000.0 HC-49 1815642
20250.0 SMD 3686032
20480.0 HC-49 1762106
20945.0 HC-49 624531
20945.0 CYLINDER 624531
21000.0 HC-49 624531
21245.0 MD 1920050
21250.0 HC-49 624531
21400.0 HC-49 1920050
21477.2 HC-49 4657016
21700.0 HC-49 1920050
22118.4 HC-49 624531
22579.0 HC-49 5744248
24000.0 HC-49 1815642
24545.0 CYLINDER 624531
24576.0 HC-49 624531
25000.0 HC-49 1815642
25322.5 SMD 1920050
25400.0 SMD 624531
26000.0 HC-49 624531
26590.0 HC-49 1920050
26601.7 HC-49 624531
26730.0 HC-49 1920050
26740.0 HC-49 624531
27000.0 HC-49 1815642
27038.0 HC-49 624531
27045.0 HC-49 4657016
27055.0 HC-49 5744248
27095.0 HC-49 624531
27120.0 HC-49 4657016
27125.0 HC-49 624531
27138.2 SMD 3686032
27145.0 HC-49 1762106
27700.0 HC-49 1920050
28000.0 HC-49 5744248
28224.0 HC-49 1920050
28322.0 HC-49 3686032
28375.0 CYLINDER 624531
28636.3 HC-49 5744248
28800.0 HC-49 5744248
29491.2 HC-49 5744248
29498.9 HC-49 4657016
29500.0 CYLINDER 624531
30000.0 HC-49 624531
30400.0 HC-49 624531
32000.0 HC-49 1995185
32256.0 SMD 1920050
32768.0 HC-49 5744248
33000.0 HC-49 4657016
33177.6 HC-49 5744248
33330.0 smd 5744248
35000.0 HC-49 624531
35328.0 HC-49 624531
35468.9 HC-49 4657016
36000.0 HC-49 4657016
36864.0 HC-49 5744248
37400.0 SMD 624531
37500.0 HC-49 624531
37875.0 HC-49 1920050
38000.0 HC-49 624531
38400.0 SMD 624531
38900.0 HC-49 624531
40000.0 HC-49 4657016
40230.0 HC-49 1920050
40680.0 HC-49 624531
40685.0 HC-49 3686032
41000.0 SMD 3686032
41600.0 SMD 624531
41850.0 SMD 624531
44236.0 HC-49 5744248
45158.0 SMD 624531
46080.0 HC-49 1920050
48000.0 HC-49 4657016
49152.0 HC-49 4657016
49405.0 HC-49 1920050
49860.0 HC-49 624531
50000.0 HC-49 5744248
52416.0 SMD 3686032
54000.0 HC-49 624531
64000.0 HC-49 4657016
75000.0 HC-49 624531
100000.0 HC-49 624531


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